Our current theme is on Everyday Heroes.  And we are looking for children ages 6 – 12 years to submit a story about what a hero is to them.  Tell us what you think a hero is.  If you know of a story of someone who did something heroic, let us know about it. Write a story around 500 words and include a photo of the hero or a picture that you drEw of this hero. The hero can be a person or even an animal. You can even make up a story character of someone who does something heroic in your story.  What we are really looking for is the meaning in the story.  Something inspiring or heartfelt that other children can think about and possibly learn from.

Contest winners will be notified and published in our KiDS NEWS & REVIEWS blog and sent out to families and teachers across Canada! We will also feature your story on Facebook for all your friends and family members to share!

Please email all stories to Editor, Lorrie Holmes, at  Send digital attachments of your artwork or photo – take a photo of your artwork or scan it.  Looking forward to your submissions!