This is the question six year old Oliver asked when he held up his big cousin’s ring for an inspection at a recent family dinner. Always precious and often profound are the questions our youngsters pose to us. This is why we have decided to include questions and answers like these from the youngest minds in our KiDS ViEWS features. Our very first story came to me unexpectedly, in the living room at my in-laws during family time. I couldn’t pass up on this opportunity, and here’s why. Soon afterwards, six year old Oliver had another darling question that he also posed to us adults in the room before dinner (me included). The more we thought about it, the more profound we realized my nephew’s question really was. So much so that I reached for a napkin to write it down. Here it is, along with a drawing he created about this afterwards.
If I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, then what would I be standing on?
Oliver, Age 6
Then something even more unexpected happened next. His younger sister, Amelia, age 4, gave us a reply. The best part was that she did this so matter of fact, all the while, not even looking up from her play. And why would she? It’s so obvious to these magical little minds and hearts what the answers are. It’s us adults who overthink everything, not them. In their worlds, it’s not so black and white. And their colourful communication is what brightens up our days.
It’s feet.
The Earth has feet.
Amelia, Age 4
KiDS ViEWS is a new column we will be featuring with stories from youngsters like Oliver and Amelia all the way up to tweens and teens with their own ideas they would like to share with us adults to help us better understand and appreciate where they are coming from. So kids and youth, write in to our editor if you have any questions or comments you would like to share with the rest of us. Let’s get the communication going! You can reach me at lyricalnote@me.com. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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