Because I am completely juvenile and haven’t grown up yet, I find it easy to relate to kids on that elemental level…. and I see how enthusiastically they respond to that.
Mr Doug, Children’s Performer
Mr Doug uses music, poetry, and storytelling while promoting themes that encourage positive child development. He does this quite effortlessly by engaging his audience with his unique brand of humour. Though we love Mr Doug’s appreciation for funny things, there is much more to him than just hitting our funny bones. His messages of love, self-worth, and kindness towards others resonate deeply with children, parents, and teachers alike. We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mr Doug about the release of his Responsible Songables. I checked them out myself the other day and was very impressed with his catchy melodies, professional production, and the positive impactful lyrics and vocals that I feel will speak to the kids while also impressing their parents and teachers. I’m looking forward to testing each of these songs out in classrooms in the near future and will review them shortly. The messages in these songs are impactful but not preachy. Now let’s see what Mr Doug has to share with us about songwriting and kidding around.
Q & A with MR DOUG
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: How did you get into playing music for children?
MR DOUG: The only thing that I have ever excelled at in my life is making music. And embarrassing myself – but mostly making music. I’ve played music for as long as I can remember, and I’ve worked professionally as a musician/producer/composer since I (barely) became an adult. In that time, I had to adapt to many different musical genres. Because of this, I can get bored alarmingly fast if I’m stuck working in any style for too long. Being a children’s artist allows me to satisfy the creative urges that I have, no matter how ridiculous or serious I want to be! This profession gives me the creative license to literally create anything I want! I’ve written everything from a swashbuckling pirate song to a rap tune about bathing, to a Christmas lullaby! I’ve even recorded a punk rock version of ‘Jingle Bells’, complete with a kitty-cat keyboard meow solo.
I have never been more artistically free in my life! Couple that with the ability to make kids laugh, sing, and dance, and maybe even learn a thing or two… it’s an amazing feeling! I can honestly say that after four decades on this Earth, that I have finally found my purpose.
Mr Doug
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: That’s awesome! So tell us about these Responsible Songables that you have just released. We love them and want to know more about them.
MR DOUG: I wrote these songs to help children learn more about the responsibilities that we all share, regardless of our age… things like keeping clean, recycling, and being nice to one another. I used simple melodies and repetitive structures to give parents a musical tool to help inspire their kids to have fun while doing everyday chores because obviously that can be a serious challenge at the best of times. It was also important for me to remind the listener that every single one of us has the ability to make the world a better place, just by being ourselves and offering the most basic kindness to each other. I want kids (and adults) to feel empowered, and to know that they can make a difference. I feel that it’s a message that easily gets lost in the kinetic frenzy of most kids entertainment these days.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: What’s next for your music?
MR DOUG: I’m working on the release of three more EP’s in 2019. Each one has a different theme. In no particular order, they are called ‘Good Mood Food Tunes’, ‘Know Nonsense’, and ‘Some Soft, Slow, Solo Songs’. I am also hoping to release some new material from ‘The Wazzooooo’s, who are my first foray into children’s music. They’re a cartoon band where I write the songs and produce the music, but the vocals are performed by my good friends Kyprios and Sherry St Germain. Since my wife is due with our first child in May, I won’t be able to stray too far from home this summer. That being said, I’m always looking for opportunities to play shows.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: In your opinion, what makes a cool kids performer?
MR DOUG: The thing about kids is that once you make them laugh, they begin to trust you. Because I am completely juvenile and haven’t grown up yet, I find it easy to relate to kids on that elemental level… and I see how enthusiastically they respond to that. Through music, I can create a connection with those young minds because they know that I am talking directly to them. I can inspire them, and help them grow in a positive direction… because soon they will have to save the world that we are so haphazardly leaving them. That, and I always wear cool pants. 🙂