Interviewed by Lorrie Holmes
Meet Hollis. She’s 16 years old and the founder of Juggling For Jude where she raises a lot of money an awareness for cancer research using her talents juggling soccer balls. That’s not all she does, she also spends a lot of her time at appearances at special events and public speaking where she inspires a lot of other youth and adults to join in her cause. To date, she’s raised $496,000 with more than 3,000 different individuals donating to her cause.
I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received, but kids with cancer aren’t cured with $496,000, so I’m still at it, juggling, teaching at clinics, public speaking, and doing as much outreach as I can. I’ll keep juggling and speaking until kids no longer get cancer, and I hope you’ll support Juggling for Jude as my move forward with my mission! Next stop: $500,000!
Hollis, 16 years old, Founder of Juggling For Jude
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started in your cause.
HOLLIS: I first learned about childhood cancer when I was 8 and out with my mom practicing soccer juggling. I was pretty good, and she suggested that I consider juggling for a cause. She told me about cancer and a place called St. Jude. My takeaway was that cancer made kids really sick, but there was a place where they could get treated and their parents wouldn’t have to worry about money. I didn’t totally understand how I could juggle my way to raising money, but I believed my mom when she said that if I worked hard, people would respond.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: That’s amazing. Can you tell us about the early days of your getting started with juggling for this cause.
HOLLIS: Yes. I started by juggling daily and posting records on social media and my website at so people could donate per juggle. Since my record is now 5,350, people donate various amounts when they get inspired by something I do.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Congratulations on all your success with this! Can you tell us about all the other things you also do for this cause.
HOLLIS: I also write blogs about childhood cancer and the work of St. Jude. I run juggling clinics and private lessons in exchange for donations.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: What an amazing experience. Can you tell us about some of the most rewarding moments you’ve had doing all of this.
HOLLIS: The most rewarding parts of my fundraising, hands down, are my interactions with patients and their families. I’ve been lucky enough to meet a number of patients and their families over the years, and hearing about their lives post-cancer is incredibly rewarding and motivating for me. Whether it’s Zooming with 5-year-old CJ who is now FOUR years free from a rare form of leukemia, or getting photos of little Riku who is two years out from brain cancer treatment at St. Jude, seeing the outcomes of fundraising like mine makes all of the hard work worthwhile. The first St. Jude patient I ever met is a girl my age who will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Although she lives across the country from me now, I think about her often and am so grateful to St. Jude for saving her life.

HOLLIS CONT’D: A close second to my connection with patients is when I know I’ve inspired other young people to find causes they care about and create ways to support them. One of my primary activities as an advocate for youth in philanthropy is speaking to school / camp groups, sports teams, and at all sorts of events about the importance of youth in philanthropy. While there have been many memorable moments along the way, one of my top three is definitely when, as a freshman, I was asked to speak at a middle school where 50% of students qualified for free lunches. I was warned that the group might be inattentive and disengaged. I brought my A game, and by the middle of my speech, you could hear a pin drop. Two months of outreach and hustle later, the students invited me back to present me with a check for $1,700, most of which they’d collected in small change! It is important to me that ALL young people understand that they can make a difference, and I think it’s time we educate kids from ALL backgrounds about their power as potential philanthropists.

I’ve juggled with famous soccer players and at professional games, leadership camps, festivals for girls, holiday parades, golf tournaments, and college games.
-Hollis, Youth Change-Maker

KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you tell us more about how you’re expanding advocacy of youth in philanthropy project – it sounds incredible!
HOLLIS: I’ve partnered with a research scientist who studies human decision-making. We are applying his science and technology to help nonprofits like St. Jude optimize donor and volunteer involvement. I’m also training other students from around the world to learn how to do their own research and use it to support causes that speak to them. It’s really exciting, and I can’t wait to see where this takes us and how it helps!
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: How long have you’ve been involved in all of this?
HOLLIS: This is my seventh year!
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you explain to us how your program works so we can also get involved.
HOLLIS: There are a number of ways people can help or get involved. One is that they can go to my website,, and click on DONATE and give any amount they choose to help St. Jude in the global fight against childhood cancer. Another way is that they can take my “Juggling for Jude Challenge,” which involves juggling a soccer ball for a minute (or however long someone wants), and committing to juggling a certain amount per juggle and sharing their video on social media and encouraging other people to donate AND participate!
You can find out more HERE. Another way people can participate is by asking their teachers/principals/coaches to invite me to speak to their class or their school or their team about the importance of youth in philanthropy and finding creative ways to give back.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: How can we all get involved today?
HOLLIS: How about either DONATING in support of my efforts OR you can participate in the Juggling for Jude Challenge?
You can learn more about Juggling For Jude and keep updated on projects current initiatives at – be sure to follow on social media on our Instagram and on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

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