Written by Lorrie Holmes
As an early childhood educator and preschool teacher, I am thrilled to be introducing TekyGo! to young children, their families, and anyone else who Guides & Cares for them. TekyGo! is the perfect platform to bring children inside these stories in a very magical, interactive way. Within these fun, energetic and educational games, children are gifted with the opportunity to practice important age appropriate skills: from gross and fine motor skills to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and even creative arts (music & movement and visual arts).
Most importantly, children are exposed to many different environments in both the human and fantasy worlds where they can connect with strong story characters and concepts to help with the development of social-emotional skills through play and exploration.
Thank you TekyGo! for providing Kids News & Reviews with our testing bundle. We are so excited to be testing out so many games within our school year and sharing feedback from our children, parents, and educators! Thanks again TekyGo! for all the magic of storytelling and interactive fun that you are providing for young children and their families.

Q & A with Dean, VP of Brand & Marketing
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you please describe your relationship with TekyGo!
DEAN: As the VP of Brand and Marketing, I believe that TekyGo! can help bring a whole new world of play, adventure and learning to children while also promoting physical activity. Something that children could use a lot more of in the post-covid world. No more tablets!
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you tell me what you feel families get out of TekyGo! from a recreational perspective and also, what children get from a development perspective – from your point of view.
DEAN: All of our TekyGo! games require children to get off the couch and get physically active. This is an important and unique feature of our platform. Not only that, the games are designed to stimulate their minds by asking progressively challenging questions, teaching educational concepts and promoting a greater sense of growth and accomplishment for the child. All while disguising this among highly entertaining and fun adventure-style games.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Amazing! And I guess this is why you have invested in the storytelling aspect of your games and having early childhood writers add interactive stories around these games!
DEAN: I believe that children connect with stories in a unique and intellectual way. Stories help children experience the world and learn about how the world works. They challenge the imagination and promote a more engaged childhood experience. In essence, stories are the core of the childhood experience and something that I believe gaming can use a lot more of.
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you tell me who TekyGo! is to you – a character description and why you chose TekyGo! as your main character. What do you love about TekyGo! Why will the children connect with this character?
DEAN: TekyGo! is a robot that exists inside the screens of all of the devices of all of the children across the world. TekyGo! is the ultimate friend to go on adventures with, learn with and experience life with. TekyGo! makes things more fun! What I personally love about TekyGo! is that this character opens the world of imagination. There are no restrictions in the TekyGo! world. With TekyGo! you can feel empowered to make decisions and affect real outcomes. It is exciting!
KIDS NEWS & REVIEWS: Can you tell me what is unique about TekyGo! With respect to the combination of exercise, storytelling and video games in the setting of early childhood development and education.
DEAN: We work with childhood development specialists in order to create games with this amazing mix of all three. What we are learning is that when children are physically active, engaged in a story and working towards a specific outcome, such as beating a level within a game, they tend to absorb knowledge in a more meaningful way. This is an important aspect to what we are attempting to achieve. We want kids to find a more enjoyable way to exercise and learn. We believe that this can be achieved with our engaging gameplay.
Classroom Review at
CEFA South Delta
Core Education And Fine Arts
The consensus from the JK3 (Junior Kindergarten) class at CEFA South Delta is a great big thumbs up! Each child had a turn jumping along with the main character – a very cute and hoppy frog – in the game, TekyGo! & Friends World Explorer. We chose this game as a quick introduction as it was very easy for the children to quickly see the frog and be able to hop like a frog and understand the concept that the higher and faster you jump, and the quicker you cross the finish line. The children were excited to follow the frog and to choose their geographical locations from many choices around the world. They were excited to choose their country, Canada, and to be greeted by the beaver who they have been recently learning about as we have been exploring the concepts of adapting, hibernating and migrating in the winter season. All in all, everything went very smoothly and each child was eager for the next time we will use TekyGo! Coming soon, we will be reviewing our game that will include animal rescues in the sea and another game about oral hygiene – both of which include multiple intelligences and a lot of interactive, story-time fun!
Thank you again TekyGo! for such a unique combination of SPICE – social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional attributes to early childhood education which us educators include in each of our lesson plans!
You can also follow TekyGo! on Instagram and Facebook and Youtube

I can’t believe that an early childhood educator could also be a game writer which has created such a wonderful game! It’s a revolution for children’s gross motor activities and their knowledge and consciousness development. Definitely, I want to try it and use it in my curriculums when I get a chance. Say ‘Hi’ to TekyGo!
Thank you Lorrie for your innovation ideas , children’s need fun and interesting activities
We will follow your path and give the children an opportunity to explore to their creativity and make them happier. Say “hi” to TekyGo!.
Thank you Ola for your support and encouragement. I look forward to following your career path as well. And yes, I will say hi to TekyGo! for you! :0)
Hi Julia. Thank you for your comment and I would love to say Hi to TekyGo! for you! :0)
I did not write this particular game but tested it out with the children. However, I do have 2 games that are coming out soon and I will notify you when they do – one is about a Sea Ranger Animal Rescue and all I can say about the other is that it includes some very adorable monsters learning all about oral hygiene at the dentist office!
Very amazing activity! I can see that children get involved and enjoy it very much. It is so creative to connect the game with real life. Thanks for your great ideas and I got an inspiration! Keep going!
Thank you Lili! I am so glad this inspired you! I know how creative you are and look forward to seeing what you do with this inspiration you received from TekyGo! as an early childhood educator! :0)
SUPER FUN!!! It is amazing to see this purposefully built-in game that definitely seems to focus on enhancing the brain functioning of children along with their motor skills. It appears to speed up their response time, stimulate creativity, focus and visual memory. Hats off to you for designing this strategy based game!!!