“I know I’m getting older so this painting I made really captures that feeling of my childhood Christmases.”
By Youth Artist, Lexi L.
This year, 12 year old youth artist, Lexi, created a snowman for us which she explains best represents the warm and cozy feeling of her childhood memories. “Especially when I would come inside after building a snowman with my sister or even having a snowball fight, and we could warm up with a cup of hot chocolate. That was the best,” she explains with a smile on her face. Lexi adds, “When I think of Christmas, what comes to mind for me is playing in the snow. I love building snowman. I love building things in the snow. It feels weird, like playing with a cold cloud.”
When asked if she has a favourite snowman, she quickly answers, “Yes! Frosty, because he isn’t your regular snowman. He is so cartoony, and definitely very loveable. He doesn’t just have coal yes and a carrot nose. He’s just more cartoony and I really like that.”
When asked about some of her favourite things at Christmastime, Lexi answers that they are spending time with family and giving things to others and seeing their enjoyment. Thank you Lexi, for sharing your adorable snowman with us as our feature image in this story.
For our family, Christmas means family time, fun memories, and activities that we can experience year after year.
Zina, Early Childhood Educator and Mama to Kaiden
Next, we expanded upon this story by interviewing a Mama and Early Childhood Educator who we like to follow on Instagram at @zina_ece. Zina adds that, “Christmas is a special time for my family. It allows us to create memories throughout the wintertime. It also gives us an opportunity to spend time with K, our toddler. Each year, we decorate the tree together. K always makes a special ornament to put on the tree. So in years to come, we will have a nice collection!” Mom pauses then continues, “Christmas through his eyes is magical. He is loving seeing all the lights at nighttime, decorating gingerbread houses, and eating all the cookies! We have done so many activities throughout the winter break that he is looking forward to seeing what’s next! He often says to me, “Mama, those lights were amazing!”, or “Thanks for getting the gingerbread house. It was so much fun!” I’m so glad that he appreciates and looks forward to all the things that we can do together. This year we have also asked K to pick some toys out to donate to those who need them. He understands that some children may not have toys this year. He was more then happy to wrap up toys with me to gift to other children. ”
On behalf of all of us at KiDS NEWS & REViEWS, we wish you a Very Merry Little Christmas & A Happy New Year